Our physicians, Dr Khadija Rashid and Dr. Saqib Rashid, have been serving the San Joaquin since 2007.
Our main office is located in Visalia, CA.
Saqib Rashid, M.D., is certified by the American Boards of Internal Medicine, Sleep Medicine, Critical Care, Pulmonary Disease, and Addiction Medicine.
Dr. S Rashid accomplished his medical training and a three-year fellowship at Suny Upstate Medical University in New York. He finished his medical residency and fellowship in Pulmonary Critical Care and is capable of handling simple and complex lung, sleep, and addiction related issues. He now serves the Central Valley and his primary office is located in Visalia, CA.
Dr. Rashid has clinical experience with ICU palliative care. He is the chief pulmonologist at Modern Medicine and excels in the treatment of Internal Medicine, Sleep Medicine, and Pulmonary and Critical Care.
In addition to Modern Medicine, Dr. Saqib Rashid has privileges at the following hospitals:
· Kaweah Delta, Visalia
· Community Hospital, Fresno
· Saint Agnes, Fresno
Khadija Rashid M.D., is certified by the American Boards of Sleep Medicine, Psychiatry, and Neurology.
Dr. K Rashid accomplished her medical training and residency at Suny Upstate Medical University in New York. Her fellowship is in Neuromuscular Disorders and Sleep Medicine.
Dr. Rashid's special area of focus is in Neurology and Sleep where she has over 22 years of experience. She is the chief neurologist and sleep studies physician at Modern Medicine and excels in the treatment of patients with neurological and sleep disorders. She is a board certified Neurologist and a board certified Sleep Physician.
Dr. Khanija Rashid has privileges at Kaweah Delta Healthcare District.